Looking for a toggle function in T-SQL, I've found these tips in StackOverflow:
update table_name set status = status ^ 1 where code = 123 [Using XOR]
update table_name set status = 1 - status where code = 123 [Using minus logically]
In my case, I had a nullable field, with many nulls inside, so I had to adapt:
update table_name set status = isnull(status,0) ^ 1 where code = 123
update table_name set status = 1 - isnull(status,0) where code = 123
I have never needed to do this directly to the database, but only in high level tiers.
Usually I would do it in a more readable way, like in Mayo contribution:
UPDATE tblTest SET MyBitField = CASE WHEN MyBitField = 1 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
MyBitField = CASE
WHEN MyBitField = 1 THEN 0
WHEN MyBitField = 0 THEN 1
ELSE NULL -- or 1 or 0 depending on requirements
Thanks to gbn, Mayo and Austin Salonen. You did great.
Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1397332/how-to-flip-bit-fields-in-t-sql
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