quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2010

No listener, but with underline

I started a whole new installation of Oracle 11g from scratch in my windowsxp mode virtual machine with a hostname "winxp_vm1". Everything was going right until a moment when, almost 100% finished, a screen (not the blue of death) saying the Enterprise Manager could not be configured successfully (just) because the host name was composed by a underline character ("_"). I´ve got really, much really, surprised and yet disapointed with oracle installation. But the life goes on and I still need the Oracle running, OK?

But what to do now?

Just finish the installer;

Rename the hostname, I mean, remove the underline from the name;

Edit the tnsnames.ora and fix the hostname, now without the underline;

Edit the listener.ora and fix it the same way you did it before with tnsnames.ora;

Just restart the machine or the listener (lsnrctl start).

It was a piece of cake this time, but you can have differente situtations, so, dont give up. The Internet is an exceptional friend... Good bye.

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