quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2010

No listener, but with underline

I started a whole new installation of Oracle 11g from scratch in my windowsxp mode virtual machine with a hostname "winxp_vm1". Everything was going right until a moment when, almost 100% finished, a screen (not the blue of death) saying the Enterprise Manager could not be configured successfully (just) because the host name was composed by a underline character ("_"). I´ve got really, much really, surprised and yet disapointed with oracle installation. But the life goes on and I still need the Oracle running, OK?

But what to do now?

Just finish the installer;

Rename the hostname, I mean, remove the underline from the name;

Edit the tnsnames.ora and fix the hostname, now without the underline;

Edit the listener.ora and fix it the same way you did it before with tnsnames.ora;

Just restart the machine or the listener (lsnrctl start).

It was a piece of cake this time, but you can have differente situtations, so, dont give up. The Internet is an exceptional friend... Good bye.

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quinta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2010

Save passwords security flaw in TOAD

I am a TOAD 9 user. A friend of mine said me using password saving in TOAD was not secure. Since then I've tried to find a solution to that, unsuccessfuly. The problem is: every password saved in your login session will be available for every login session at the same station. Any user who wants to use your passwords only have to log in into your station and acess the TOAD. Any connection can be made just selecting the schema and pressing Connect. If you have already saved a password before for the selected schema, voilá, the intruder is in.
I beg for your help to avoid this unwished behavior of TOAD. Let me know the workaround (or the final solution) ASAP you discover it. Best regards.